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Training Leg in South Wales

The TGPPG training commenced the last week
end of September 2009 with its flights over
Wales, heading for Dover. With the superb
ground support team comprising of British
National Paramotoring Secretaries Richard &
Sue Shaw, Abergavenny residents Jamie
Walker, Expedition Director and Edi Geczy,
Flight Leader (Chief Flying Instructor from
Welsh Airsports) flew from St. David’s the
westernmost point of Wales across to
Chepstow to Land at Ward Farm, Lydney in

The initial flight had 2 fuel land-outs, the 1st
due to Jamie’s secondary fuel tank. On landing
safely where we were ably assisted by the 80
year old land owner in Simpson Cross.

More info

Welsh Leg

The Welsh Leg
215 km, 1 Country, 2 days

Click on the logo beneath to
download the
Route so far for Google Earth

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